Fotografie, Zeit und Dialektik

Das war ein tiefer Griff ins Archiv. Ich war gerade mal 22 Jahre alt und unterwegs mit meiner ersten gebraucht gekauften Leica. Das Bild entstand im Auftrag für die Wochenzeitung WoZ als Illustration für einen Artikel von Pit Wuhrer über das Finanzzentrum der Londoner City. Zwei Tage rannte ich über die Trottoirs und durch die Strassen des Stadtteils – wo seit kurzem das neue Lloyd’s Bürogebäude stand und dem Finanzzentrum Londons ein modernes Geicht geben sollte. Das Bild der drei Brüder, mit ihren Rücken zur glänzend polierten Aussenmauer aus Granit der Londoner Börse war eine der Szenen die aus den mit nach Hause gebrachten Kontaktbögen herausstach. Das Bild schien das perfekte Argument für die Praxis der Dokumentarfotografie zu sein, ihr Potenzial sowohl das Gesehene als auch das Ungesehene aufzuzeigen, dass die Dialektik des Dokuments das Zusammenspiel von dem Sichtbaren und dem Unsichtbaren, dem Fantastischen und dem Realen ist.



70x100cm, Archival Ink on Hahnemühle Hemp

Halbe Distance10 Holz 16, Ahorn natur

Edition 1/10 plus 2 AP

CHF 2’800.00 Normal Glas

CHF 2’950.00 Museum Glas

A deep dive into the archive. I had just turned 22 and was traveling with my first second-hand Leica. The photograph was taken on a commission for Die Wochenzeitung WoZ as an illustration for an article by Pit Wuhrer about the financial center of the City of London. I spent two days running along the sidewalks and through the streets of the City of London. The new Lloyd’s office building was just recently completed. The image of the three brothers, holding their hands, with their back against the shiny polished granite outer wall of the London Stock Exchange was one of the photographs that stood out when I was looking at the contact sheets back home. The image seemed the perfect argument for the practice of documentary photography as bearing the potential to illuminate both the seen and the unseen, that the dialectics of a document is the interplay between the visible and the invisible, the fantastic and the real.

Die kommenden Wochen des Kunstmarktes

Bis zu einem gewissen Grad konnten wir alle im vergangenen Jahr ähnliche Erfahrungen machen. Glaubt mir, ich habe nicht damit gerechnet, diesen Online-Verkauf nochmals zusammenzustellen und mich ein zweites Mal an euch zu wenden.

Aber so sieht es nun aus. Ab dieser Woche dürfen wir wieder vor unseren Lieblingscafés und -bars sitzen und gemeinsam mit unseren Freunden einen Drink in der Sonne genießen. Niemand weiß, wie lange das so bleiben wird. Hoffen wir das Beste.

Nummerierte Abzüge, gerahmte Fotografien, Zeichnungen, Acryl auf Papier und Mixed Media Arbeiten stehen zum Verkauf aus unseren Atelierbeständen.

Dieses Jahr haben Ishita und ich beschlossen, diesen Verkauf gemeinsam zu organisieren. Bitte schaut euch um auf der Seite und seht euch die Bilder an, die wir beide aus unseren Regalen und Schubladen ausgewählt haben, um sie für euch sichtbar zu machen. Der Online-Verkauf ist nicht unser übliches Geschäft und ihr werdet keinen shopping basket finden! Wenn ihr interessiert seid, eines unserer Kunstwerke zu erwerben, setzt euch bitte mit uns in Verbindung, entweder mit Ishita oder mir, stellt Fragen zu Versand- und Zahlungsmöglichkeiten oder macht Vorschläge.

In der Zwischenzeit hoffen wir, dass es allen gut geht und wir senden euch allen die besten Wünsche,

Ishita Chakraborty und Thomas Kern


From our studio to your wall

To a certain extent, over the past year, we were all living through similar experiences. Believe me, I did not anticipate putting together this online sale and reach out to you for a second time.

But here we are. From next week on we will be allowed again to sit outside our favorite cafes and bars and enjoy a drink in the sun together with our friends. Nobody knows how long this will last. Let’s hope for the best.

Nevertheless, Covid has entered our lives, more than we would like. I had a show barely anyone has seen (the Kunsthalle was closed most of the time) and Ishita spent way too many hours with Zoom calls, including for a prestigious residency in the US she was unable to attend.

Editioned prints, framed prints, drawings, paintings, and mixed media works are for sale. Please check out the listings.

This year Ishita and I decided to organize this sale together. Please do have a look at the pieces we both selected from our shelves and drawers to make them visible for you. Online sales are not our usual business and there is no shopping basket involved! If you are interested in purchasing one of our artworks, please do get in touch with us, talk to either Ishita or me, ask questions about shipping and payment options or make any suggestions.

In the meantime, we hope everyone is well and send best wishes to all of you,

Ishita Chakraborty and Thomas Kern

je te regarde et tu dis - the title has changed and everything else too

Since my last post in September quite a lot of things have happened. The work on my project has come to an end, the book is printed and now available, for example here: Together with the wonderful team of Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg we installed the show, the framed portraits, some drawings, a few sculptural objects and a video I made over the past few weeks.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-16 um 12.46.04.png

Soyons tous quelqu'un d'autre - Let's all be someone else

It is more than a year ago when I announced the decision by the Office for Culture of the Canton Fribourg to award me with their bi-annual Photographic Research of Fribourg. That’s a long time for a project “right in front of your doorstep” which is also not quite true, for each meeting, portrait or encounter involved 3 hours of a train ride or drive with the car. Since my submitted project left almost everything open, apart from the fact, that I wanted to meet people, in their homes and photograph them, it became kind of endless - and the appearance of Covid-19 didn’t make it easier. For some months the project came to a complete standstill.

Selecting and sequencing the portraits with the book designers of in Zürich.

Selecting and sequencing the portraits with the book designers of in Zürich.


Photocopying, shuffling, cutting, glueing - making a first dummy.

The project is an experiment. There is no subject other than to meet random people, they should not represent anything else than who they are. That sounds simple and easy - isn’t that like every portrait we are looking at? Needless to say, I don’t think so. The only clear parameter I had, was the territory of the Canton, the people I was going to meet had to be inside it’s boundaries. How would I find these people? After all, these days things have become complicated. Simply chatting up someone in front of the local grocery store, asking if it is fine to accompany him or her to their home, where we then would have a drink, sit down and do the portrait - I don’t think so.


The photography part ist done. I made about 60 portraits over the course of a year. Some of them did not make it into the book and the selection for the exhibition will be even tighter.

Also, for most of the year I kept working on a series of drawing, collages and objects. They are conceptually connected to the photographs - visualizing aspects of my work which is not reflected in the portraits itself. Questions of the territory, the landscape and the relationship of the individual and within a society.

The show is scheduled to open on Friday 20 November 2020 at the Fri-Art Kunsthalle in Fribourg

The show is scheduled to open on Friday 20 November 2020 at the Fri-Art Kunsthalle in Fribourg


“The drawings are an attempt to create an environment in which the portraits are placed. They visualize questions around territory, the landscape and the relationship of the individual within society.”


Die letzten Tage des Kunstmarkts

Zur Abwechslung einige Bilder von Maskierten” war der Titel meines letzten Blogeintrags vom 27. Februar 2020. Es sieht ganz so aus, als hätte die Realität diese Aussage eingeholt. Wer hätte das gedacht? Maskierte Menschen halten Einzug in unseren Alltag, draussen auf der Strasse, im Supermarkt und bald wohl auch in Restaurants und Schulen.

Vor einigen Tagen stand ich bei mir im Atelier und sah mich durch einen Teil meiner Arbeiten im Archiv und Lager. Nach einer Weile sagte ich mir etwas trotzig – hier liegt mein Sparguthaben! Hier ist meine Sammlung von Abzügen, gerahmten Fotografien von vergangenen Ausstellungen, Bildern und Mixed-Media Arbeiten, sorgfältig eingepackt und gestapelt warten sie darauf, ein neues zu Hause zu finden, einen Ort, an dem sie gesehen und geschätzt werden - der hoffentlich pandemische Verkauf ist eröffnet.

Nummerierte Abzüge, gerahmte Fotografien, Acryl auf Papier und Mixed Media Arbeiten stehen zum Verkauf aus meinen Atelierbeständen.

< Klicke auf dieses Bild um zur Seite zu gelangen

Ich wende mich an Sie und dich, weil ihr alle Teil seid der Gruppe von Freunden, Menschen und Institutionen, die in der Vergangenheit Fotografien, Abzüge und Werke von mir gekauft haben. Ich hoffe ihr seid mit diesen Bildern nach wie vor glücklich und aus ihnen seien Freunde geworden, die euch durch den Alltag begleiten. Bei einigen von euch ist das so, das weiss ich und freut mich.

Nummerierte Abzüge, gerahmte Fotografien, Acryl auf Papier und Mixed Media Arbeiten stehen zum Verkauf aus meinen Atelierbeständen.

Nummerierte Abzüge, gerahmte Fotografien, Acryl auf Papier und Mixed Media Arbeiten stehen zum Verkauf aus meinen Atelierbeständen.

Bitte schaut euch die zum Verkauf stehenden Bilder an. Nehmt euch ruhig ein wenig Zeit und verteilt den Link weiter an eure Freunde und Bekannte, die sich ebenfalls dafür interessieren könnten. Es geht mir nicht um den Versuch ein Online-Shoppingerlebnis einzuführen, die Bilder sind da zum Anfassen und Aufhängen und auch ich empfange sonst gerne BesucherInnen im Atelier.  Bei Interesse und Fragen, bitte meldet euch, auch wegen Transport und Fragen der Zahlungsmodalitäten oder sonstigen Tips, ihr findet mich hier.

In der Zwischenzeit wünsche ich euch alles Gute, Thomas Kern

The Last Days of the Art Market

Some masked people for a change” was the title of my last blog entry on 27 February 2020. Reality has certainly caught up with it. Who would have thought that masked people will become a commonplace on our streets, in supermarkets and soon maybe restaurants and schools too?

I was in my studio the other day looking through some of my artwork at my storage and thought in defiance – these are my savings. My collection of prints, framed photographs from past shows, paintings, and mixed media works. Here they are, nicely packed and stacked away, waiting to find a new home, a place where they can be seen and appreciated - the launch of a pandemic art sale!

Edition prints, framed prints, paintings and mixed media works are for sale. Check out the listings.

< click on image

I am reaching out to you because you are among the friends, people, and institutions who have bought some of my photographs, prints or paintings in the past. I hope you are all happy with those images, they have become your companions of everyday life, I know some of you are.

Please have a look at the pieces I selected and took from my shelves to make them visible for you. Take your time, feel free to share this page with friends and people you think might be interested. It is not an online shopping experience. It involves the real world. If you are interested in my work, please get in touch, talk to me, ask questions on shipping and payment options or make any suggestions.

In the meantime, my best wishes to all of you, Thomas Kern

Edition prints, framed prints, paintings and mixed media works are for sale. Check out the listings.

Edition prints, framed prints, paintings and mixed media works are for sale. Check out the listings.

Some masked people for a change . . .

For the past few months I have met and photographed quite a few people. I am usually trying to get close to them and create an environment and setting in which they feel safe - all in the attempt to tear down defense mechanisms, their carefully constructed images of themselves and waiting for the moment when I and the person in front of the camera connect.

Today - it is going to be some masked people for a change. So always something between them and me - a mask. I got up early to take my bus and trains and then a bus again in order to reach the small village of Splügen, in Kanton Graubünden. It is Ash Wednesday.

It will be a day of masked young men, the “Pschuurirollis”, to pin down young women and force them to wear blackface. Seen from the safe distance of city life, the “Pschuuri” festival in Splügen is possibly the least politically correct custom in the world. 

“Pschuure”, which means “to blacken”, is an important part of carnival celebrations of this area. On the morning of Ash Wednesday, primary school children dress up and walk from door to door in groups, carrying baskets and reciting a rhyme. They ask for gifts, which they receive in the form of sweets.

The “Pschuurirollis” getting read and excited.

The “Pschuurirollis” getting read and excited.

One of their early victims.

One of their early victims.

In the afternoon, young men dress up in shabby garments and wrap themselves in animal pelts and skins before stealing through the village streets. The bells they wear around their waists make a lot of noise and they carry the dreaded greasy mixture of coal and fat in a sack. Their aim is to catch children, girls and unmarried women, who at first try to hide, and paint their faces with the black paste. By dusk all victims must be wearing their greasy black masks.

In the evening, pairs of boys disguised as “Männli” and “Wibli” make their way through the village with a basket, begging for eggs and inviting the black-faced girls to an evening meal. Egg salad and “Resimäda” (a traditional drink) are prepared in a hotel kitchen, and the feast begins after midnight. Everyone is invited to the party, which takes place in an old barn.

She was caught quite late in the afternoon, the puppet being part of the accessories some of the girls carry with them indicating the custom is about fertility.

She was caught quite late in the afternoon, the puppet being part of the accessories some of the girls carry with them indicating the custom is about fertility.

According to the tradition, the drinking and egg eating will increase and boost the young peoples fertility as well as the yield of the crops of the coming year.

El Paso, Texas

It is a bit late, but actually it does not matter for what I have to say, as unimportant as it may be. To photograph people, places and things, as unassuming and banal of an act that is nowadays, sometimes leads to images which carry more than what they show. There is something delicate and fragile in this group of young people, partially owed to their age and the place they find themselves in their lives while I took their image. The preparations for their Quinceañera, they are at a crossroads of their life.


The picture was taken 15 years ago and I assume that by today most of the kids on this photograph have become parents themselves. I try to imagine how they talked and felt and how they have tried to explain to their own kids what happened inside one of their malls and shopping places. And how different it must feel for them to be on the other side of . . . being the target of a madman sanctified by another madman, different from us who just see another mass shooting, another crazy tale from the America we think we know.

Enquète Photographique Fribourgeoise

Ich freue mich auf diese Arbeit von der ich nicht sicher bin, wohin sie mich führen wird. Seit langem wieder einmal etwas vor der Haustür. Das habe ich immer als schwieriger und anstrengender empfunden. Aber ich freue mich auf die Herausforderung, die vielen Begegnungen und die daraus entstehenden Geschichten. Zu lesen, sich hinsetzen, sich ein paar Gedanken machen und diese aufzuschreiben hat sich wieder einmal ausbezahlt.

Freiburg, 3. Juli 2019


Die zwölfte "Fotografische Ermittlung: Thema Freiburg" wird sich mit den unauffälligen Menschen unseres Kantons befassen

Die Jury betraut Thomas Kern mit der 12. Ausgabe der "Fotografischen Ermittlung: Thema Freiburg". Sie hat sein Projekt unter den 22 eingegangenen Bewerbungen ausgewählt. Der Aargauer Fotograf wird sich in seiner Arbeit mit den unauffälligen Menschen in der heutigen Freiburger Gesellschaft befassen. 

Nach der Ausschreibung der 12. "Fotografischen Ermittlung: Thema Freiburg" hat das Amt für Kultur 22 Projekte aus der Schweiz und dem Ausland erhalten. Die eingereichten Projekte wurden von einer Jury geprüft. Diese bestand aus den Fotografen Nicolas Savary und Matthieu Gafsou, Ivan Mariano, dem Direktor des Museums Murten, Romano Zerbini, dem Direktor der Photobastei Zürich, sowie Philippe Trinchan, dem Vorsteher des Amts für Kultur des Staates Freiburg (Präsident). 

Nach mehreren Beratungsrunden fiel der Entschied der Jury auf das Projekt "Begegnungen oder Gespräche unterwegs" von Thomas Kern. Thomas Kern, der in den vergangenen Jahren als Fotograf vor allem international gearbeitet hat, wird eine offene Serie von Porträts unauffälliger Menschen in der heutigen Freiburger Gesellschaft fotografieren. Es handelt sich dabei um Menschen, die wir zwar täglich sehen, aber oft gleich wieder vergessen – Menschen, die aus unserem Gesichtsfeld verschwinden, deren Eigenschaften, besondere Merkmale oder Fähigkeiten schwer zu beschreiben sind. Das Ziel dieser Porträtserie ist, ein tief empfundenes, in der Gegenwart fest verankertes Zeitdokument zu schaffen. Das Ergebnis dieser 12. Ausgabe wird in einer Publikation und in einer Ausstellung präsentiert.


Again - Beauty in Photography

Noch einmal ein paar Worte zu diesem Buch, das zugegebenermassen aus der Vergangenheit kommt, sich bei genauerer Lektüre aber dennoch aktuell zeigt. Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen zur Auffrischung einiger grundlegender Fragen - jenseits des aktuellen postmodernen, poststrukturalistischen, postfotografischen Diskurses.

Der Begriff Beauty im Titel ist natürlich provokativ gewählt und führt uns (aus heutiger Sicht) auch schnell mal auf eine falsche Fährte.

“There are reasons, of course, for the loss of a sense of community among photographers. For one thing, there are too many of us, and, as we go without work, the numbers who teach photography rise, and then they go unemployed too. The money problem sours a lot. Not long ago I discovered that it would be possible for me to earn an adequate living by lecturing about photography; at the same time I knew thai it remained impossible to survive by photography, by doing what I was lecturing about. Irony of this sort does not sweeten life. “


Der zweite Textauschnitt is eine mögliche Antwort auf die Unsicherheiten eines Bachelor Studenten, der gerade eben seine Diplomarbeit zeigt. Der Künstler versteht sich zwar nicht als Fotograf, bezeichnet die Fotografie aber dennoch als das Medium seiner Wahl, lamentiert dann aber gleich weiter und beklagt sich über die Beschränkungen und Grenzen der Fotografie (an die er schon gestossen ist, nachdem er sich erst seit kurzem mit dem Medium auseinandersetzt), die er aber auch nicht genauer benennen kann.

“The first thing to be remembered is that all art, even Wagnerian efforts like motion pictures, operates within limits, and that attempts to push back those limits, attempts typical of our naive age, have not proved to be very liberating or durable. Most paintings of the first rank are still two dimensional, most sculptures are still without sound, and most novels remain unillustrated. What this suggests to me is that the limits of art may contribute to its strength and that they are not to be regretted but much to be used. “

Photography marches onward . . .

Here’s a small and life affirming snippet from ProPHOTODaily. I wonder what to do about it.

This week we spotlighted a new report about falling sales in the camera market — due in no small part to the rise in smartphone photography. According to the report from the Camera & Imaging Products Association, 34.7 percent fewer camera systems shipped in February 2019 than February 2018. Digital Camera World called the drop a “freefall.” Shipments of interchangeable lens cameras were down to just 521,217 – over a quarter of a million fewer cameras than were shipped (798,014) in the same period last year.

A new list of the 25 worst professions now, with “Photographer” ranked at number 25

On top of that, the 24/7 Wall St. website released a list of the 25 worst professions now, based on data from CareerCast’s 2018 Jobs Rated Report and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Photographer” came in at number 25 due to diminishing employment prospects and falling wages, both of which, noted the website, can be traced to … the rise of smartphone photography.

Northern Ireland/LyraMcKee/Brexit/30Years/SeamusDuffy

This time it’s a recent post by old time friend Tomo which sent me a bit down memory lane, into the archive but also to catch up with some reading about the recent death of the journalist Lyra McKee. Ms McKee, 29, was shot in the head on Thursday night, 18. April 2019 while observing rioting in Londonderry's Creggan estate. In a statement given to the press the New IRA offered "full and sincere apologies" to her family and friends.

The peace that has settled on Northern Ireland since 1998 remains a chilly one in the hearts of the former combatants. But peace it was, more or less. The border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, an EU member state, has become a flashpoint for the argument over Brexit within the ruling British Conservative Party, between the United Kingdom and the European Union, and among Catholics and Protestants in the north. Like everything else in the north, Brexit has become an issue separated along republican and loyalist lines, many things have become a green and orange issue again. 

Round Baton 1.5 " (rubber bullet), Imperial War Museum

Round Baton 1.5 " (rubber bullet), Imperial War Museum

Tomo’s story is a glimpse of working in Northern Ireland as photojournalists 30 years ago. I don’t know where he got the thing about the tampered rubber bullet, I could not find any conformation for this, and if it was true, I am sure it would have been all over the Republican reporting about this case. Still, Seamus Duffy was only 15, his heart stopped beating because of the rubber Bullet. It’s true, we were there. 

I am not sure how fitting the juxtaposition of the two deaths is. Tragic they both certainly are, and not only because of the young age of the two victims. However, the perpetrators couldn’t have been more different. 

Funeral of Seamus Duffy, August 1989

Funeral of Seamus Duffy, August 1989

“The killing of 29 year old Irish Journalist Lyra Mckee reminded me to my own skirmish with death in Northern Ireland ... it was 1989, Thomas Kern and I traveled to Belfast to cover the 20th Anniversary of the British Occupation, they call it the Troubles. It was a glorious time for Photojournalism, we were kids, green behind the ears - ready to take on the world. Working alongside some of the most fascinating photographers of our time - I remember, just getting acknowledged by the likes of Chris Steele-Perkins and Gilles Perres walking down on Falls or Shankill Road, was such a fucking thrill - Thomas and I stayed at a Youth Hostel. Belfast was where we came to photograph Urban Warfare for the first time - I mean that's pretty much what happened between the IRA and the British Army, and it was a British Soldier, most likely bored out of his mind, who hollowed out a few rubber bullets and stuffed them with Batteries and razor blades - The Night of August 9th - there was heaving rioting going on up in the New Lodge - running battles between Irish Kids throwing Molotovs and the Brits in their Armored Cars creating mayhem - it was there close to a huge bonfire made out of car tires, where 15 yr. old Seamus Duffy got killed by a razor blade laced rubber bullet - the soldier most likely was just a few years older - we never found out ! It was the first time I saw death, in Seamus’ case : murder - In the coming days there were massive protests, and then there was Seamus’ funeral, His family was poor working class, by then Photographers and News Networks from all over the world descended onto Oldpark, to the house where Seamus’ wake was held. I remember the ruckus the media created when Seamus’ coffin was brought from the house into a waiting Hearst - the weather was depressing, damp dark clouds, the neighborhood still reeking of smoldering, burnt Car tires. I had a hard time focusing to photograph - it was just too overwhelming. It was that week, where I was photographing History in the making for the first time - I knew then, that I never would wanna do anything else in Life — Tomo”

Altar for Seamus Duffy, he was shot dead by the Royal Ulster Constabulary following rioting in the New Lodge area of Belfast on 9 August 1989. A pathologist said his heart had been crushed by the impact of the plastic bullet which hit his chest.

Altar for Seamus Duffy, he was shot dead by the Royal Ulster Constabulary following rioting in the New Lodge area of Belfast on 9 August 1989. A pathologist said his heart had been crushed by the impact of the plastic bullet which hit his chest.

Taking a break and chatting with neighbours, New Lodge, 9 August 1989

Taking a break and chatting with neighbours, New Lodge, 9 August 1989